
                                The Exciting Possibilities
​                                of Plant-Sourced           
                                Meats and Dairy


Many vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians,
and people who want to eat less animal
products, especially meat, still enjoy the
culinary experience that meat has
​traditionally offered.

Social Connection 

The ubiquitous nature of animal, fowl, and fish products are
central to social connections, making the idea of eating less
of them, or not at all, seem impossible. Enjoying plant-sourced foods is easier than ever, with options everyone can enjoy.

A Better World   

Plant-based food systems are vital to creating a sustainable,
​thriving environment, a healthier diet, and a kinder world. 

         Plant-based foods include vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds.
​An abundance and wide variety of these foods including plant-sourced meats and dairy – are available in grocery stores.Did you know there are at least 20,000 varieties of edible plants?  (
Plants For A Future: pfaf.org-1)

        People from all walks of life, various ethnicities,
​and various cultures are thriving on a plant-based diet, where possible. Many world-class athletes and bodybuilders have adapted a whole-food, plant-based diet and find they excel in their sport, with quicker recovery times​

        HEALTH: Every major health/nutrition organization supports a whole-food, entirely plant-based/vegan diet
as healthiest for every phase of life 

ENVIRONMENT: Animal agriculture contributes vast amounts of environmental destruction of land, air,
​and sea 
(fao.org-5), and is a leading cause of species extinction and ocean dead zones (cnn.com-6).
RESOURCE CONSERVATION: Plant foods, vs. animal foods, use exponentially less water, land, and resources to grow, harvest, and distribute (cspinet.org-7).
COMPASSION:Caring about animals' lives, well-being, and their right to live free from human harm. (farmsanctuary.org-8).
FOOD SECURITY: Feeding growing populations becomes
challenging as resources become over-extended. 1,000 calories of meat can use over 7,000 calories of plant food fed to animals (awfw.org-9).

WILDLIFE CONSERVATION:“Animal agriculture industries continue to take over the Earth’s landmass, destroying species -rich habitats. A frightening one acre of land is cleared every second” (worldanimalfoundation.com).

           We continue to see more and more plant-based/vegan served at all kinds of food establishments, stores, and events.


Plant-Based vs. Animal-Based
Meats and Protein


Stunning documentary by James Cameron, Jackie Chan, 
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Louis Psihoyos, Lewis Hamilton, and others. World-class champions in various sports share their cinematic stories of struggle and triumph, and their explosive, science-backed success with plant-based nutrition – that applies to everyone. 
Available on Netflix, iTunes, Google Play, Vimeo, Vudu, and YouTube.

VISIT thegamechangersmovie.com for more info.


​​Animal-Based Protein
Farmed animals eat plants,
which are digested then
restructured into flesh.

Plant-Based Protein
Plant ingredients are blended
then restructured into foods 
which provide the same, similar, or sometimes better taste, texture, and culinary experiences that people enjoy when eating animal-sourced foods.

Plenty of Protein 

An abundance of all proteins needed are found among
​the plant-food groups of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, although the greatest concentrations of proteins are found in legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Enjoying Plant-Sourced Foods

URL links to the website sources
