Pre-Registration Needed
DRIVING: Take the 28th St./Druid Hill exit off of I-83. Head east to Remington Ave.
• REMINGTON ROW public parking: P3, P4. Enter from 27th St. or 28th St.
– With R.House validation: FIRST TWO HOURS FREE, then $1/hour
• POLICE LOT IS FREE: P1, @ Remington & 26th St.
• SP+ PARKING LOT at 2614 N. Charles St.(Not on map below)
Sunday, April 28 • 11 am to 4 pm
R.House "Garage" (event hall), behind the food court
301 W. 29th St., Baltimore, MD 21211
ENTER "Garage" (event hall) at the back of P2 lot
Directions, Parking, Bus Routes
next to R.House, off Remington Ave